<![CDATA[YSLETA TEACHERS ASSOCIATION - ARCHIVES]]>Wed, 30 Oct 2024 11:22:09 -0700Weebly<![CDATA[2021 YTA Board of Directors Retreat]]>Thu, 22 Jul 2021 13:49:50 GMThttp://ysletateachers.org/archives/2021-yta-board-of-directors-retreat
(The new YTA board at the Paso Del Norte Hotel in downtown El Paso, Texas.)
On Saturday, July 17, 2021, YTA's newly elected board of directors held their annual board of directors retreat in downtown El Paso at the Paso Del Norte Hotel. They started by reviewing the challenges faced during the last two school years. They reviewed the Ysleta Teachers Association (YTA) by-laws and worked on the local compliance paperwork for the Texas State Teachers Association (TSTA). Board members learned about the history of the NEA and the current NEA leadership. 
They learned how to defend YTA, reviewed YISD's plan on how to support students', parents', and employees' social emotional well-being, and YTA's mentorship group (TSTA TORCH). Board members reviewed the local finance plan to ensure the financial health and stability of the association. They finished up, by scheduling their meetings, trainings, and other events for the year, such as our All-Member meetings, Association Representative (AR) meetings and trainings, YTA board of director meetings, Educational Support Personnel (ESP) meetings, TORCH meetings,  YISD board of trustees meetings, and more. 

The new YTA board will serve for their three-year term from July 2021 to July 2024. The YTA board is ready to support their members as they continue leading forward. 

Meet your NEA leaders...





<![CDATA[YTA Board of Directors Retreat]]>Fri, 28 Jun 2019 07:00:00 GMThttp://ysletateachers.org/archives/yta-board-of-directors-retreatEL PASO, TX- The YTA Board of Directors met on June 28, 2019 at the YTA office for their annual retreat for the upcoming 2019-2020 school year. 
The board reviewed and collaborated on the following:
  • YISD Salary Increases
  • YTA Board of Directors Responsibilities
  • TSTA compliance paperwork
  • 2019-2020 YTA budget
  • 2019-2020 Calendar
    • New Teacher Orientation
    • TORCH/New Educator Campaign
    • YISD Bond 2020
    • Winter Academy 
    • TSTA HoD donations
  • YTA Social Media (Facebook, Twitter, Instagram)

​Leonor Terrazas resigned as YTA Vice President to focus on her responsibilities as Region 8 President. The TSTA House of Delegates will be held here in El Paso, Texas, and Region 8 will be part of the host committee. YTA thanks Ms. Terrazas for her hard work and dedication.

YTA President Arlinda Valencia appointed Marcela Aguayo as Vice President. Ms. Aguayo will continue managing the YTA technology responsibilities as well. 

YTA celebrated everyone's birthdays and had a diaper shower for the Riverside BoD Daniela Leira-Rosas. Congratulations Daniela! 

<![CDATA[NEA Early Career Educators Convening & TORCH]]>Sun, 23 Jun 2019 07:00:00 GMThttp://ysletateachers.org/archives/nea-early-career-educators-convening"The life of the union depends upon more people getting to share the limelight, because with the limelight also comes responsibility and with the responsibility comes a little sharing of the load."
-César Chávez 
HOUSTON, TX- YTA Technology Director Marcela Aguayo had the opportunity to participate in the National Education Association (NEA) Early Career Educators (ECEs) Conference on June 21-23, 2019.  She was joined by the Texas State Teachers Association (TSTA) Vice President Ovidia Molina, TSTA Staff members Clinton Gill and Brittany McCoy, and TSTA members Kathrine White and Fransisco Dionisio. 

One of NEA's priorities are early career educators. ECEs are educators who in their first years of education (1-5 years).
About 44% of ECEs within their first five years of teaching quit. There will be two million new educators in the next ten years, most of whom will be millennials (born between 1981-1996). It is very important to note that not all ECEs are millennials. There are ECEs who are in their second or third careers. 
YTA Technology Director Marcela Aguayo, TSTA Member Kathrine White, TSTA Staff Clinton Gill & Brittany McCoy, TSTA Member Fransisco Dionisio
PictureNEA Members from across the U.S. at the 2019 NEA Early Career Educators Convening
NEA members were trained in the NEA New Educator Campaign that focuses on recruitment of members during New Employee Orientations, communicated with recent graduates entering the education workforce, and collaborated with their state teams in the development of their ECE groups. 

​Texas Organizers Reaching Children's Hearts (TORCH) was created last year by TSTA to help support ECEs. During this NEA ECE conference, TSTA members further developed TORCH's "why" statement. TORCH exists because, "Children and educators need strong champions." Some of TORCH's goals are to strengthen the bridge between TSTA-Aspiring Educators (TSTA-AE) and TSTA, create at least 10 TORCH groups at the local association level, and grow TORCH ECE leadership.

"The future of the organization should be shaped by those who will lead it."

-NJEA Early Career Network

TSTA-AE are students in colleges and universities that are studying to become educators. Upon entering the profession, TSTA-AE should join TSTA as active members to the association. ​TORCH will serve as a support system that can help guide them during early years as an educator. 
YTA is proud to be one of the local associations in TSTA to start their TORCH group with the support of the YTA Board of Directors and ARs. If you are a new hire to Ysleta ISD and become a member of YTA/TSTA/NEA, you will be invited to a meeting in the Fall and professional development in the Winter. Check your e-mail and follow YTA on Facebook (Ysleta Teachers Association TSTA NEA), Twitter (@ytaforyou), and Instagram (ysleta_teachers) for updates. Follow TSTA TORCH on Facebook (Tsta Torch) and Twitter (@TorchTsta).
"Legacy. What is a legacy? It's planting seeds in a garden you never get to see. I wrote some notes at the beginning of a song someone will sing for me."

-Lin-Manuel Miranda, ​Hamilton

​Visit  mobile.edweek.org/c.jspcid=25920011&item=http%3A%2F%2Fapi.edweek.org%2Fv1%2Fblogs%2F62%2F%3Fuuid%3D77760  for more information about teacher turnover rate. 

Visit neatoday.org/school-me/ for resources and advice for educators. 

<![CDATA[YTA End of the Year AR Celebration 2019]]>Tue, 28 May 2019 07:00:00 GMThttp://ysletateachers.org/archives/yta-end-of-the-year-ar-celebration-2019
YTA ARs 2018-2019
PictureARs watching the end of year video
EL PASO, TX- YTA held its last AR meeting for the 2018-2019 school year at Julio's Mexican Food on Tuesday, May 28, 2019.

We discussed the YISD Board of Trustee election, the 2019-2020 salary proposal, the upcoming YTA Board of Directors retreat, the NEA Member Benefits Ambassadors program, the Beginning of the Year AR training in August, YISD New Teacher Orientation for 2019-2020, awarded the end of the year YTA awards, and watched our end of the year video.

ARs earned certificates for perfect attendance and for being a delegate at the TSTA House of Delegates. A very special congratulations to Alejandro Garcia for recruiting 20 new members!

PictureYTA President Arlinda Valencia & SBOE Rep. Georgina Pérez

​Thank you to our State Board of Education Representative for District 1 Georgina Cecilia Pérez for attending. She was awarded with a certificate of appreciation for her continuous efforts in the advancement of education. She announced that she will run for re-election for SBOE.

​Visit her website for more information at 

YTA would like to thank our Del Valle board of director Margarita Arriola for her years of service to our association and to TSTA/NEA. Her dedication and spirit will be truly missed. We wish her well and hope she enjoys her retirement! 
Congratulations to Margarita Arriola on her retirement!
Thank you to our dedicated ARs for their work this school year. Enjoy your summer, and we'll be seeing some of you in Houston, Texas this July for the NEA Representative Assembly!

<![CDATA[YISD Board of Trustees Election Results 2019]]>Wed, 15 May 2019 07:00:00 GMThttp://ysletateachers.org/archives/yisd-board-of-trustees-election-results-2019PictureMr. Mike Rosales (Eastwood), Mrs. Connie Woodruff (Bel Air) & Mr. Sotero Ramirez (Ysleta)

Congratulations to our Ysleta ISD Board of Trustees as they were sworn into office for another four years of service. YTA looks forward to continue working together!

#THEDistrict #GoTroop #TrooperNation #OneRed #BigRedPride #BowUp #OneTribeOneVibe
<![CDATA[TSTA-Aspiring Educators UTEP Chapter: Graduation Celebration (Spring 2019)]]>Fri, 10 May 2019 07:00:00 GMThttp://ysletateachers.org/archives/tsta-aspiring-educators-utep-chapter-graduation-celebration-spring-2019 Picture
EL PASO, TX- Region 8 President/YTA Vice President Leonor Terrazas and YTA Technology Director Marcela Aguayo attended the TSTA-Aspiring Educators UTEP Chapter's graduation celebration at Famous Daves restaurant. The TSTA- AE Sul Ross chapter was also in attendance.

YTA congratulates all student members on their graduation. A very special congratulations to those aspiring educators who completed their internship with Ysleta ISD. 

The TSTA-AE UTEP Chapter has done a tremendous job this past year at recruiting new student members. We advise all new educators to join their local association that is affiliated with TSTA/NEA when they are hired. Be sure to follow your local association's social media pages, as well as TSTA and NEA's social media to keep track of any current events or updates.

YTA also encourages new educators to follow TSTA TORCH on Facebook and Twitter for updates this upcoming school year. TSTA Texas Organizers Reaching Children's Hearts (TORCH) is a support group for early career educators (ECEs). 

​You can join TSTA/NEA at www.mytsta.org/or  you can sign up in person during your New Teacher Orientation week.  

Congratulations and picks up! 

Visit neatoday.org/new-educators/ask-the-custodians-and-other-advice-from-a-fourth-year-educator/ ​for advice for early career educators from YTA Technology Director Marcela Aguayo. 

Visit neatoday.org/school-me/ for more tips for new teachers from NEA. 

#YTAforYOU #TeamTSTA #NEA #AspiringEducators #ECEs #UTEP # PicksUP #TSTATORCH
<![CDATA[TSTA House of Delegates 2019]]>Sat, 27 Apr 2019 07:00:00 GMThttp://ysletateachers.org/archives/tsta-house-of-delegates-2019
Frisco, TX- YTA/Region 8 attended the 140th Texas State Teachers Association House of Delegates.

YTA earned the following awards:
  • The "Iggy" Award for the Most Increase in Contributing PAC Members  
  • 3rd place Teacher Membership Award (Numerical Increase in Teacher Members)
  • 5th place Market Share Membership award
  • 5th place Overall Performance in Special Membership

Congratulations to the following YTA delegates that earned an award:
  • Marcela Aguayo (First Place Best Local Association Website)
  • Alejandro Garcia (Leaders for Tomorrow)
  • Leticia Grijalva (Ronnie Ray ESP Award)
  • Raul Hernandez (AR award)

The delegation elected David Ring from the Lubbock Educators Association as NEA Director. 

TSTA members can now join TSTA-Retired for a $500 membership fee that can be paid in installments over a 3-year period.  

Thank you to all of our delegates that attended this year's HoD. We're very excited to have TSTA members in El Paso, Texas for next year's HoD. ​

#YTAforYOU #TeamTSTA #NEA #HoD19
<![CDATA[NEA Member Benefits Ambassador Program]]>Tue, 23 Apr 2019 07:00:00 GMThttp://ysletateachers.org/archives/nea-member-benefits-ambassador-programPictureNEA Member Benefits training given by Antonio Galindo
YTA AR members met at Applebee's Grill & Bar (1985 George Dieter) on Tuesday, April 23, 2019 for the orientation meeting of the NEA Member Benefits Ambassador Program.  YTA was one of the few selected local associations in the country to participate in this program. We hope to learn more about the benefits that come from being an NEA member. The goal is for our ARs to be able to educate our members at our local campuses. 

ARs were briefed about how the program would work, and discussed some services provided by NEA. NEA members can save money on movie and concert tickets, online shopping, car and home insurance, complementary Life Insurance, and more.

​We will have our next NEA Member Benefits training during our Beginning of the Year AR training for the 2019-2020 school year on August 10, 2019.

Visit www.neamb.com/ for more information about NEA member benefits. 
Visit www.neamb.com/products/nea-click-and-save to start saving money now!

#YTAforYou #TeamTSTA #NEA #NEAMemberBenefits

<![CDATA[YTA Campaigns for Sotero Ramirez]]>Sat, 13 Apr 2019 07:00:00 GMThttp://ysletateachers.org/archives/yta-campaigns-for-sotero-ramirezPictureJaime Abeytia and YTA Pres. Arlinda Valencia
On Saturday, April 13th, YTA members block walked for YISD Board of Trustee incumbent Sotero G. Ramirez. Mr. Ramirez was running for re-election as a YISD Trustee for the Ysleta Learning Community. 

YTA was able to canvass the entire Ysleta area in about four hours! Thank you to everyone who came out to support Mr. Ramirez. 

Thank you to Jaime Abeytia for providing training to all of our volunteers. 

#YTAforYOU #TeamTSTA #NEA #RamirezforYISD

<![CDATA[2019 YTA Board of Directors Election]]>Tue, 09 Apr 2019 07:00:00 GMThttp://ysletateachers.org/archives/2019-yta-board-of-directors-electionPictureCarmen Hernandez and Raul Hernandez campaigning for Del Valle Area Director.
The Ysleta Teachers Association held elections for the YTA Board of Directors.

The following candidates ran unopposed and were voted in by acclamation:

President- Arlinda Valencia
Vice President- Leonor Terrazas
Secretary- Alicia Pineda
Bel Air Area Director- Gary Woodruff
Eastwood Area Director- Maria Hernandez
Parkland Area Director- Heather Cynor
Riverside Area Director- Daniela Leira-Rosas
Ysleta Area Director- Leticia Grijalva
Technology Director- Marcela Aguayo
YPAC Captain- Alejandro Garcia

YTA held elections online for the first time. YTA thanks all members for their participation in voting. Every vote and every election is important. 

Congratulations to Carmen Hernandez for winning the Del Valle election. Congratulations to Veronica Garcia who was appointed as the Hanks Area Director.  

​The YTA Board of Directors will serve for a three-year term beginning from June 2019-June 2022. 

#YTAforYOU #TeamTSTA #NEA #VoteEducationFirst #GOTV

<![CDATA[NEA READ ACROSS AMERICA 2019]]>Sat, 02 Mar 2019 08:00:00 GMThttp://ysletateachers.org/archives/nea-read-across-america-2019
YISD Board of Trustees, YISD Supt. Dr. De La Torre, & YTA Board of Directors
EL PASO, TX- YTA and YISD collaborated for the 2019 NEA Read Across America week. YTA visited seven YISD schools, and held an event at the Barnes and Noble at the Fountains at Farah. They read to students to promote literacy and foster the love of reading. Students received goody bags, and YTA raffled off gift cards. 
PictureYTA Pres. Arlinda Valencia, YISD Supt. Dr. De La Torre, YISD Director of Elementary Academics Diane Flores
A very special thank you to Diane Flores, YISD Director of Elementary Academics, who worked closely with YTA to ensure that this year's collaboration was a success for all students.

Thank you to the YISD Trustees who participated this year: Connie Woodruff, Carlos Bustillos, and Sotero Ramirez. Thank you to YISD administrators and central office staff, and to our YTA board of directors for your involvement as well. We hope to have you read again next year! 

#YTAforYOU #TeamTSTA #NEA #ReadAcrossAmerica #THEDISTRICT

<![CDATA[TEACHERS AGAINST CHILD DETENTION: TEACH-IN FOR FREEDOM]]>Sun, 17 Feb 2019 08:00:00 GMThttp://ysletateachers.org/archives/teachers-against-child-detention-teach-in-for-freedomPictureYTA, TSTA, & SBOE Rep. Georgina Pérez at the Teach-In For Freedom Reception.
YTA collaborated with state teachers of the year (TOYs) to organize a "teach-in" in El Paso, Texas at San Jacinto Plaza on Sunday, February 17, 2019. The organized group that was created is known as Teachers Against Child Detention.

On a cold and windy Sunday while some El Pasoans ran in the El Paso Marathon, educators from around the U.S. and Mexico arrived here in El Paso. They were ready and engaged to do what they do best...teach! Teachers Against Child Detention calls for the reunification of separated immigrant children from their families. Educators taught about the social and emotional effects families, especially children, experience when separated. Educators shared their experiences working with immigrant children, and some educators shared their own story of how their families arrived in the U.S.

TSTA, the Hispanic Caucus, YTA Board Member Margarita Arriola, and State Board of Education Representative Georgina Pérez were one of the many presenters at the teach-in. TSTA Vice President Ovidia Molina shared an especially moving story of her own trauma when she and her siblings arrived in the U.S. as children. They were able to stay with their family in the U.S. while their mother remained in El Salvador. 

YTA helped collect children's Spanish books that were donated across the country. There were more than 400 books collected, and many more are still arriving at the YTA office. Due to lack of space at the Annunciation House, YTA will only be able to donate a few boxes of books there, however, YTA has partnered with the Borderland Rainbow Center to make sure the donated books go to immigrant children in Juárez, Mexico. Thank you to everyone who donated! 

Thank you to YTA board of directors and members for attending: Daniela Leira-Rosas and her family, Alejandro and Veronica Garcia and his family, Lee Terrazas, Marcela Aguayo & Luz Aguayo.

Thank you to TSTA staff Sandra Salazar and her family for attending. 

For more information about Teachers Against Child Detention, please visit www.teachersagainstchilddetention.org/.
For more information about the Annunciation House in El Paso, TX, visit annunciationhouse.org/.
For more information about Borderland Rainbow Center, visit www.borderlandrainbow.org/

<![CDATA[MARCH FOR TRUTH: STOP THE WALL, STOP THE LIES]]>Mon, 11 Feb 2019 08:00:00 GMThttp://ysletateachers.org/archives/march-for-truth-stop-the-wall-stop-the-lies PictureMarching along the Cesar Chavez border highway.
YTA Technology Director Marcela Aguayo and YTA AR member Luz Aguayo attended the March for Truth Rally starting at Bowie High School in El Paso, Texas. 

The march was in protest to President Donald Trump's narrative that portrays the city of El Paso as a dangerous place. President Trump attended his campaign rally a few hundred feet away at the El Paso County Coliseum. President Trump used the city of El Paso as justification for building a wall along the United States-Mexico border.

​U.S. Representative Veronica Escobar and Beto O'Rourke spoke and marched at the rally. Thank you to the Border Network for Human Rights, the Women's March of El Paso, and the many other organizations for organizing the peaceful event. 

<![CDATA[SPECIAL ELECTION-DISTRICT 79]]>Mon, 21 Jan 2019 08:00:00 GMThttp://ysletateachers.org/archives/special-election-district-79Picture
TSTA & YTA endorse Art Fierro in the Special Election for Disctrict 79. Please go out and vote education first!

<![CDATA[AR WINTER MEETING & CHRISTMAS CELEBRATION]]>Tue, 11 Dec 2018 08:00:00 GMThttp://ysletateachers.org/archives/ar-winter-meeting-christmas-celebrationPictureAR Celebration!
YTA ARs met for their winter meeting and Christmas celebration at La Morena Restaurant. ARs discussed the March to the Polls Rally, YISD Holiday Exchange concerns, and upcoming elections in the Spring semester. 

ARs received a bag of chocolates as a form of gratitude for their dedication this Fall semester, and prizes were raffled off. Congratulations to all of the winners.

Enjoy your holiday break!

<![CDATA[MARCH TO THE POLLS RALLY]]>Sat, 27 Oct 2018 07:00:00 GMThttp://ysletateachers.org/archives/march-to-the-polls-rally
El Paso Educators United at the March to the Polls Rally wearing Red for Education.
YTA joined El Paso Educators United at the Ortiz Recreational Center in the Lower Valley in El Paso, Texas on October 27, 2018 for the March to the Polls Rally. 

El Paso Educators United was a group formed by local education associations such as the Ysleta Teachers Association (YTA), the Socorro Education Association (SEA), the El Paso Teachers Association (EPTA), and the TSTA Aspiring Educators-UTEP chapter. 

Voters who arrived at the recreational center received free TSTA Vote Education First t-shirts, food, and drinks. Guest speakers included Senator José Rodriguez, Representative Veronica Escobar, Gina Ortiz Jones, TSTA President Noel Candelaria, YISD Board of Trustee President Connie Woodruff, and others.

<![CDATA[T-TESS & SLO TRAINING]]>Tue, 18 Sep 2018 07:00:00 GMThttp://ysletateachers.org/archives/t-tess-slo-trainingPictureTSTA President Noel Candelaria speaking at the YTA T-TESS & SLO Training on Sept. 18, 2018.
YTA held a T-TESS and Student Learning Objective (SLO) training for members on September 18th. Participants received a T-TESS & SLO handbook with documents created by Bryan Weatherford from TSTA and YTA President Arlinda Valencia. 

TSTA President Noel Candelaria joined us and spoke to members about the importance of voting in November. He shared TSTA's Get Out the Vote (GOTV) plan and TSTA's Vote Education First ​initiative. 

School supplies were raffled off to a lucky winner! 

<![CDATA[YTA RECRUITS AT YISD NTI]]>Mon, 13 Aug 2018 07:00:00 GMThttp://ysletateachers.org/archives/yta-recruits-at-yisd-ntiPictureYTA Board Director for the Riverside Area Daniela Leira-Rosas speaks to a potential new member at the YISD NTI on Aug. 13, 2018.
YTA Board of Directors and TSTA staff recruited new members at the Ysleta Independent School District's New Teacher Induction for the 2018-2019 school year. 

​New members received a new teacher survival kit. The kits included a handbook created by YTA President Arlinda Valencia and other TSTA literature to help new teachers begin their journey.  

TSTA President Noel Candelaria was able to help recruit with YTA, and he shared his experiences while working in YISD as a special education teacher. 

New members were able to play a game and receive prizes. School supply cakes were raffled off. YTA passed out ice cream to the new members, and to the YISD employees at central office.

<![CDATA[2018 BEGINNING OF THE YEAR AR TRAINING]]>Sat, 11 Aug 2018 07:00:00 GMThttp://ysletateachers.org/archives/2018-beginning-of-the-year-ar-training
YISD Board Trustee Cruz Ochoa speaks to YTA ARs at their AR training on Aug. 11, 2018.
On August 11, 2018 YTA ARs met at La Morena restaurant for their annual training. We were joined by YISD Board of Trustee for the Hanks Area Cruz Ochoa. He expressed his gratitude for the efforts of educators. He stated that he has learned of the challenges of teaching since recently becoming an educator as well. ARs shared their experiences teaching the new Random Acts of Kindness (RAK) curriculum with Mr. Ochoa. 

State Board of Education Representative for District 1 Georgina Pérez also came to the AR training. She spoke about the new Mexican American studies that will be implemented this school year at the high school level. 

During the AR training, President Arlinda Valencia provided literature that explained educator rights, and she discussed organized events for the year. YTA celebrated new ARs, and school supply cakes were raffled off.

Let's have an amazing school year!

<![CDATA[NEA RA 2018: MINNEAPOLIS, MINNESOTA]]>Sun, 01 Jul 2018 07:00:00 GMThttp://ysletateachers.org/archives/tsta-2018-emerging-leaders-organizing-institute
TSTA at the 2018 NEA Representative Assembly in Minneapolis, Minnesota.


YTA AR Luz Aguayo at the TSTA Emerging Leaders training in Austin, TX.
YTA member Luz Aguayo participated in the 2018 TSTA Emerging Leaders training. YTA Technology Director Marcela Aguayo and YTA member Carrie Quiocho joined her as well for the 2018 TSTA Organizing Institute later that week. 
YTA Technology Director Marcela Aguayo and YTA ARs Carrie Quiocho & Luz Aguayo at the TSTA Organizing Institute.
(Photo credit: Noel Candelaria)

<![CDATA[YTA RESPONDS TO NEA'S CALL TO ACTION: REUNIFICATION OF IMMIGRANT FAMILIES]]>Wed, 27 Jun 2018 21:17:09 GMThttp://ysletateachers.org/archives/yta-responds-to-neas-call-to-action-reunification-of-immigrant-families
YTA Board members and TSTA staff at the Tornillo rally calling for the end of family separations at the southern border on June 27, 2018.
YTA members and TSTA staff at the Tornillo Port of Entry rallying against the separation of immigrant children and their families here at the southern border. We were joined by NEA President Lily Eskelsen García. Activist Dolores Huerta, Senator José R. Rodríguez, and Representative César J. Blanco were also part of the many speakers that presented that day.


The YTA Team 2018-2019
YTA Board of Directors met for their beginning of the year training. They voted on the yearly budget, planned events for the upcoming school year, discussed the upcoming elections, collaborated on the compliance documents, and went around the neighborhood and asked community members to pledge to vote education first.

<![CDATA[2018 TSTA House of Delegates]]>Thu, 31 May 2018 07:00:00 GMThttp://ysletateachers.org/archives/2018-tsta-house-of-delegates
YTA attended the 2018 TSTA HOD in San Marcos, TX. Delegates wore orange and marched for the student-led movement by the Parkland High School students for gun-control measures chanting "Not One More."

<![CDATA[AR End of Year Celebration]]>Thu, 31 May 2018 05:23:53 GMThttp://ysletateachers.org/archives/ar-end-of-year-celebrationEL PASO, TX- YTA ARs gathered at Applebee's Bar & Grill on May 29, 2018. ARs discussed the previous House of Delegates (HoD), were informed of the opportunity to volunteer for Beto O'Rourke's campaign at his downtown office, discussed the upcoming NEA Representative Assembly, celebrated with awards, and viewed the 2017-2018 YTA end of the year video. ARs earned certificates for attending the HoD in San Marcos, TX, for being an AR at their campus, and if they served as part of the YTA Board of Directors. 

A special congratulations to:

      ~YTA AR of the Year: Daniela Leira-Ross

      ~Leadership: Marcela Aguayo

      ~Make It Happen: Philip Dorantes

YTA office secretary Olivia Kent will be leaving her post as she pursues a great opportunity, but she will still be part of the YTA family as our Membership Coordinator. We are grateful to still have her on board.

We are very excited to welcome our new office secretary Mary Barber. She has been trained by Ms. Kent and is very organized. We look forward to working with her!

Thank you to our YISD Trustees Madame President Connie Woodruff, Sotero Ramirez, Cruz Ochoa, and Carlos Bustillos for honoring us with your presence at our end of year celebration. This has been a tremendous time in YISD history and we look forward to our continued collaboration. Thank you so much for supporting students and educators in the YISD community. We are fortunate for your service and commitment to our community. 

Have a great summer! Rest and recharge. Enjoy your time with family and friends. 

<![CDATA[CALL TO ACTION: BETO FOR SENATE!]]>Wed, 30 May 2018 07:00:00 GMThttp://ysletateachers.org/archives/call-to-action-beto-for-senatePictureYTA Pres. Arlinda Valencia and YTA Treasurer Ysrael Valencia attending a volunteer training at the Beto for Texas El Paso Headquarters.
Democratic candidate Beto O'Rourke needs our help during these final months before the upcoming election in November 2018! Please consider volunteering at the Beto for Texas El Paso Headquarters. 

If you are retired or work part-time, you can volunteer during the day. If you work full-time, please consider volunteering on the weekends. Even an hour of your time (or more) helps!

Please visit betofortexas.youcanbook.me/ to sign up for a time slot. 

Thank you so much for your assistance! 

#BetoforSenate #BetoforTexas

YTA Membership Coordinator Olivia Kent, YTA Pres. Arlinda Valencia, YTA Board of Director Maria Hernandez, & YTA Treasurer Ysrael Valencia attending the volunteer training.
YTA Board of Director Ivette Gonzalez and TSTA Retired Becky Beltran with Beto O'Rourke.


YTA & YISD working together

<![CDATA[2018 NEA LEADERSHIP SUMMIT]]>Sun, 18 Mar 2018 07:00:00 GMThttp://ysletateachers.org/archives/2018-nea-leadership-summitPictureYTA Technology Director Marcela Aguayo with fellow TSTA Leaders in Chicago, IL.
CHICAGO, IL- On March 16, 2018, YTA Technology Director Marcela Aguayo attended the NEA Leadership Summit which focused on "empowering leaders, educating students, and strengthening communities."

The NEA Leadership Summit was comprised of the 6 Leadership Competencies identified by NEA: Advocacy, Business, Communication, Governance and Leadership, Leading Our Professionals, and Organizing. Attendees had 2 options: select 3 individualized sessions or complete an institute based off of 1 of the 6 NEA Leadership Competencies. Ms. Aguayo elected to enroll in the Governance and Leadership Institute. Institutes comprised of year long course work. There were training modules and assessments  completed prior to the summit, 3 sessions during the summit, and 2 video/phone conferences post-summit.

Education leaders also learned about PAL! (Prioritize, Activate, Lead!). PAL! is a combination of NEA's 4 priorities: Engaging Early Career Educators; Racial Justice in Education; My School, My Voice (ESSA); Supporting Professional Excellence. 

Keynote Speakers at the Leadership Summit were Eric Liu and Bryonn Bain, and featured guest speaker was comedian Eddie B. 

Ms. Aguayo also attended TSTA meetings for further leadership development, and had the opportunity to sit in caucus and council meetings. She participated in the NEA Hispanic Caucus and Young Professionals Caucus.

YTA thanks TSTA for investing in future leaders here in the Ysleta Independent School District.  

To learn more about PAL!, visit www.nea.org/assets/docs/2018_PAL_handout.pdf

If you are interested in completing the NEA modules, and assessing your leadership skills, please visit www.nea.org/leadershipdevelopment.

For more information about Eric Liu and Citizen University, visit www.citizenuniversity.us

For more information about Bryonn Bain, visit 

NEA Hispanic Caucus meeting at the 2018 NEA Leadership Summit (source: NEA Hispanic Caucus, Facebook)